Think of nutritional yeast as the Parmesan of the plant-based food world. Nutritional yeast comes from a species of yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is made from yeast cultures that have been deactivated and dried into tiny granules or flakes. Nutritional yeast has a rich, fermented, cheesy flavor.
Nutritional yeast is similar to the yeast that people use in baking, but it undergoes a heating and drying process that makes it inactive.
Nutritional yeast is dairy-free and usually gluten-free. As a result, it can be a used by people who have food allergies or sensitivities, as well as those on restricted diets. It is low in fat and contains no sugar or soy. Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is perfect for vegetarians and vegans.
The benefits that nutritional yeast include:
Boosts energy
Although many manufacturers fortify nutritional yeast with vitamin B-12, not all of them do, so it is best to check the label. Vitamin B-12 may help boost energy.
Supports the immune system
Research has shown that S. cerevisiae, (the strain of yeast in nutritional yeast), can support the immune system and reduce.
Promotes skin, hair, and nail health
Some research suggests that nutritional yeast can help brittle nails and hair loss. It may also help reduce acne and improve other common skin problems.
Supports a healthy pregnancy
Nutritional yeast may also support a healthy pregnancy. Manufacturers frequently fortify nutritional yeast with folic acid, which can make it a useful supplement for pregnant women. (individuals should consult a doctor before using it due to some brands may contain more than a standard serving of folic acid)
How to use
Nutritional yeast comes either in the form of flakes or as a powder. It has a savory, nutty, or cheesy flavor. It is versatile, and people can add it to a variety of healthy dishes.
You can make a vegan alternative to cheese sauce with nutritional yeast.
It can be added as a savory seasoning to dishes such as, pasta, vegetables, and salads.
Here are some ways to use nutritional yeast:
· sprinkling it on popcorn instead of butter or salt
· mixing it into risotto instead of Parmesan cheese
· making a vegan alternative to a cheese sauce
· as an ingredient in a vegan macaroni and cheese
· Add it as a creamy element to salad dressings
· adding it to scrambled eggs or a tofu scramble
Despite all the benefits that nutritional yeast may offer, it is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended for individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), glaucoma, or hypertension; it could make their symptoms worse. Those with a yeast sensitivity or allergy should also take care to avoid any exposure to nutritional yeast. Individuals with a higher risk of gout may want to avoid nutritional yeast as well.