Bleach is one of the most corrosive and deadly chemicals in your home. Did you know, almost 1/3 of all household accidents involve bleach and bleach containing products. Despite claims that it’s extremely safe when used properly, bleach continues to be the subject of research for its potential impact on respiratory health, particularly in children. Toxic chemicals like bleach, are just that, they ARE TOXIC!
One of the most disturbing dangers of bleach is when you mix it (on purpose or without realizing it) with other household chemicals. Many of the dangers of bleach are not well-known, and people continue to mix products and expose themselves and their families to dangerous chemicals.
Never mix bleach and acidic products such as vinegar, toilet cleaners, and glass cleaners- can cause with short term exposure: ear, nose and throat irritation, coughing/breathing issues, burning/watery eyes, runny nose. Longer periods of exposure can elevate symptoms to: chest pain, severe problems breathing, vomiting, pneumonia, fluid in the lungs, and even possible death. Chlorine gas can absorbed through the skin and cause pain, inflammation, blistering and swelling. It can burn the skin, eyes, ears, nose, throat and stomach.
Never mix bleach and alcohol-it produces chloroform.
Never mix bleach and other cleaners – creates noxious fumes.
Bleach can cause chemical burns and ulcerations.
Increases asthma and allergy symptoms.
Can also cause wheezing, bronchospasm and sometimes pulmonary edema.
Ingestion of bleach causes major damage to the tissues of the GI tract
When mixed with ammonia, it creates a deadly gas. Urine (yes pee) contains ammonia, so using the products in the toilet increase the risk of creating a toxic gas that can actually stop lung function.
Bleach in gas form creates dioxins. (Dioxins are a known cancer-causing compound related to birth defects, miscarriages, infertility, diabetes, immune disorders and more.)
When mixed with wastewater it is found to form several organic compounds. One being chloroform - which causes dizziness, headache, respiratory issues, heart attack, liver/kidney damage, birth defects and more.
There are better, healthier choices for cleaning.
Look at ewg.org list of “A” rated cleaning products.
Hydrogen Peroxide will do a great deal to keep your whites white and will disinfectant anything, without the dangers of bleach.

A great DIY household cleaner (use a glass spray bottle): Using the disinfecting power of vinegar, tea tree oil and lemon oil, this cleaner will help to keep your house clean, free of germs and smelling fantastic (not pet friendly but neither is bleach)
DoTERRA’s On Guard Cleaner Concentrate makes it perfect to expertly clean hard surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom, or any room, leaving behind a clean and invigorating scent.
Lastly, if you still choose to use bleach or bleach –like product, consider using one ranked well by the EWG (Environmental Working Group). They carefully examine ingredients in order to make sure you’re aware of what’s in your products and what potential dangers they might pose.