Work with Me
Nutrition & Wellness
We will get to the root of your health issues and struggles using a multi-prong approach.
Immune system
Digestive wellness
Food allergies & intolerance
Healthy cooking / meal planning
Diet and Detoxification
Toxic Free Living
Healthy Aging
Education Food Shops
Kitchen Sweeps
Specialty Diets:
(Vegan/Vegetarian, Gluten-Free)
Essential Oils
and more...
Health & Income
I am filled with passion and purpose and would love nothing more than to light others up with this incredible feeling and opportunity. If you are even a bit curious about how to take your health in your own hands or want to have your own business, where you create your own hours, can work from anywhere, and most importantly, have the ability to truly help people, message me.
I would love to mentor, partner, and work with someone who has a deep interest in natural living. Someone who understands this way of life, wants to embrace it and at the same time wants to earn money with the ability to work from home.
When out financial health is suffering, it impacts our physical health and our emotional health. They are all tied together.
If you are looking at options to create a more stable future for yourself and your family and you’re passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle… you’re in the right place.
Are you ready to change your life and begin a journey toward living a healthier, happier life that you've always dreamed of?
Essential Emotions Coaching

As a Certified Essential Emotions Coach, I help guide individuals in identifying and releasing unwanted emotions so that they can access the answers and solutions within themselves.
Putting feelings into words, emotional granularity, engages multiple parts of the brain and shifts the individual into an active healing mode.
Each area of the body stores emotions and beliefs, and often physical symptoms have a corresponding emotional component. As a coach I help connect these signals and messages the body is sending.
Releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs is a prerequisite to receiving positive feelings and embracing new truth.
A wound needs to be cleansed before it can heal.
This is a powerfully healing process.

"I’m so grateful for everything you have done for me and everyone I have recommended you to, you carry a golden key to the door of health and well-being with your knowledge and care, you do for a persons health what medicine fails to accomplish. You are in my heart forever and anyone whom be lucky to get you as their nutritional expert will improve their health immensely." anonymous
"Thank you so much for being that resilient voice in my head all these years."
"You will never know how grateful I am for your voice in my head getting me through this long life changing journey. You truly are the best at what you do." Danny
"Oregano destroyed the Lyme's disease bacteria in my body. A few years before, western medicine only believed in a man made antibiotics. A year after, my doctor was shocked at how great it worked for me, he began advising his patients with Lymes to use it faithfully. It's an amazing remedy and I'm forever grateful to Valerie for treating my illness. It's helped many."
"I've never met anyone quite like Valerie 👏🏻…
I’m pretty sure you won’t find anyone more passionate about getting & being healthy, & the enthusiasm & zeal kind of rubs off on you!!
This is Not her job; this is Valerie’s calling- to heal, & spread the word!
Valerie has helped me previously to get healthier & avoid surgeries!
Thankfully I’m blessed that she’s once again working her magic & guiding me on my journey to health & happiness.
She’s tireless, undaunted fierce, kind, patient, fun & beautiful inside & out!! Valerie will always be your advocate…
I don’t know how she remembers all those facts!!( I don’t think she sleeps 🤣)
I’m so fortunate Valerie is a treasure, & gift from God…
Thank you for being real & keeping it together in this crazy world!!
Best guide..
Best friend..
Amazing woman..
Blessings Valerie, & thank you..♥️"
Valerie is a healer! She uses her knowledge of nutrition, oils and vitamins/supplements along with her motherly instinct to naturally heal. She is a mastermind at using diet and nutrition to heal physical issues. I have known her for almost 15 years. During this time, she’s helped me lose weight, helped my mother heal from Lyme’s disease and helped my ex-husband lower his triglycerides……and that’s just the tip pf the iceberg. She’s my go-to for everything health related because her research is beyond thorough. The only thing I value more than her opinion is her friendship. I am lucky to have such a resourceful, kind person in my life!